Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands

Dirección: Ctra. Cales de Mallorca s/n, Km 1,2, 07500 Manacor, Balearic Islands, España.
Teléfono: 971171676.
Página web: rafanadalschool.com.
Especialidades: Escuela.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 20 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.8/5.

Ubicación de Rafa Nadal International School

Rafa Nadal International School Ctra. Cales de Mallorca s/n, Km 1,2, 07500 Manacor, Balearic Islands, España

Horario de Rafa Nadal International School

  • Lunes: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Martes: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Jueves: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Viernes: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Sábado: Cerrado
  • Domingo: Cerrado

La Rafa Nadal International School es un centro educativo que ofrece una formación integral a sus estudiantes, promoviendo valores como el esfuerzo, el respeto y el trabajo en equipo. Ubicada en la dirección Ctra. Cales de Mallorca s/n, Km 1,2, 07500 Manacor, Balearic Islands, España, la escuela cuenta con instalaciones accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, tanto en su entrada como en su estacionamiento.

El teléfono de contacto de la Rafa Nadal International School es el 971171676. Además, puedes encontrar más información sobre la escuela en su página web: rafanadalschool.com.

La Rafa Nadal International School se especializa en la educación, ofreciendo una formación académica de calidad en un entorno internacional y multicultural. La escuela cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados que trabajan para ofrecer una educación personalizada y adaptada a las necesidades de cada estudiante.

Otro dato de interés sobre la Rafa Nadal International School es que tiene una opinión media de 3.8/5 según las reseñas de Google My Business. En concreto, cuenta con un total de 20 valoraciones en esta plataforma.

Si estás buscando una escuela que ofrezca una formación de calidad en un entorno internacional y multicultural, la Rafa Nadal International School puede ser una excelente opción. Su ubicación en Manacor, Mallorca, ofrece un entorno idílico para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo personal.

La escuela cuenta con instalaciones modernas y accesibles, así como con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados. Además, la opinión media de 3.8/5 en Google My Business indica que los estudiantes y sus familias están satisfechos con la educación y los servicios que ofrece la Rafa Nadal International School.

Te recomendamos visitar la página web de la escuela para obtener más información sobre su oferta educativa, sus instalaciones y su equipo de profesionales. La página web también ofrece información sobre el proceso de admisión y las becas disponibles.

En definitiva, si estás buscando una escuela que ofrezca una formación de calidad en un entorno internacional y multicultural, la Rafa Nadal International School es una excelente opción. Visita su página web en rafanadalschool.com para obtener más información y comenzar el proceso de admisión.

Opiniones de Rafa Nadal International School

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
Juan S.

Me cuesta mucho escribir esta crítica negativa debido a la admiración que le tengo a Rafael Nadal y a todo lo que representa para Mallorca y España. Sin embargo, creo que es importante compartir mi experiencia al matricular a mi hija en su academia.
Empezamos en septiembre con mucha ilusión, pero pronto nos dimos cuenta de que no están preparados para educar a niños tan pequeños, especialmente por parte de la directora. Afortunadamente, sacamos a nuestra hija de allí y ahora estamos encantados con su nuevo centro, donde está evolucionando maravillosamente, como es normal a su edad.
En la academia de Rafael Nadal, pareciera que esperan que los niños de 3 años ya vengan con un doctorado en astrofísica y sean más robots que personitas. Nos venden valores como esfuerzo, humildad, tolerancia, paciencia, respeto, integridad, disciplina, orden y compromiso, pero todo esto parece ser puro marketing, ya que no se basan en estos principios.
Permítanme detallar algunos puntos críticos:
1.Reunión de Padres Inicial:
En una reunión antes de empezar las clases, una madre preguntó sobre el uso de pañales. Se nos aseguró que habría un periodo de adaptación para que los niños terminaran de aprender a ir al baño solos y ellos ayudarían a ese proceso. Sin embargo, a los cinco días de empezar las clases, nos llamaron a mi esposa y a mí, junto a otras tres familias, para decirnos que nuestros hijos debían venir sin pañal o serían expulsados. Esta conversación tuvo lugar en frente de los otros padres, violando la privacidad y mostrando una gran falta de profesionalidad.
2.Falta de Adaptación:
No hubo un periodo de adaptación adecuado. Los niños son dejados en la recepción y deben ir solos a su clase, lo cual es inaceptable para niños tan pequeños. En otras escuelas, los padres acompañan a sus hijos durante los primeros días para ayudarles en su transición.
3.Mala Comunicación y Falta de Empatía:
La comunicación con la escuela fue un desastre. En una ocasión, la directora mandó a callar a unos padres de manera irrespetuosa durante la reunión del punto 1. La falta de empatía y el trato poco profesional fueron constantes.
4.Problemas de Seguridad y Responsabilidad:
Los padres de primaria han transmitido su preocupación por la falta de seguridad en el colegio. Han sucedido varios accidentes: Al inicio de año, un niño de primaria entró en quirófano a causa de uno de ellos. Los padres abonan un seguro médico, sin embargo el colegio no se ha hecho cargo, ni contactó con la familia para interesarse por el estado del niño, todavía en tratamiento
5.Indumentaria Inapropiada:
La directora lleva ropa inapropiada para un entorno escolar. Si bien cada uno tiene sus gustos, en una escuela se espera una vestimenta que permita reaccionar rápidamente en caso de emergencia. Las sandalias de tacón alto no son adecuadas para este ambiente.
A pesar de mi admiración por Rafael Nadal, creo que es crucial que se asegure de que la institución que lleva su nombre aplique los valores que él representa. Es fundamental tomar medidas para mejorar la gestión y el trato hacia los niños y padres en su academia.
Esta es mi humilde opinión basada en nuestra experiencia, y espero que pueda servir para que otros padres estén informados y para que la academia pueda mejorar en el futuro.

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
Adiza Djamilla Olive Félicite Sanogho

Es una vergüenza que al llamar para pedir información no sean capaces de explicar lo más básico que es, que hacen los niños en infantil. Teníamos Muchísimas ganas de llevar a nuestro hijo a ese colegio, pero viendo que la persona que atiende las llamadas no tiene ni la más mínima idea del funcionamiento docente me hace dudar si es un sitio seguro!

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
John Mccabe

We felt elated when our children secured spots at this prestigious school with world-class facilities. The reality quickly showed and the false promises became clear.We were told that all snacks and lunches would be provided, curated by Rafa Nadal's nutritionist. Instead, children from Year 2 onward were required to bring their own snacks, justified by the vague claim, “This is what all schools do,” despite the cost of €1,000+ per month. The provided snack was a pâté sandwich(Not sure how that is nutrition?), was eventually cut for being unsustainable.
The school survey was not open-ended; instead, it featured selective questions that allowed only for mild dissatisfaction, failing to inspire real change. Afterward, a meeting was scheduled for parents to express concerns, but the director avoided direct interaction by bringing his brother to chair the meeting. It was comical, as his brother runs another school on the island, highlighting the nepotism in how the director got his position.Bullying is rife. My son was tackled by three children, resulting in a head injury,the school failed to inform me or provide medical care, and the incident wasn’t recorded. Another incident involved my son and his friend being physically abused by four children. Although the headteacher promised punishment, it was reversed after a complaint from one bully’s mother, teaching that there are no real consequences for misbehavior.
Many children at the school struggle with English after several years, and some fall behind in subjects because they are in classes with non-English speakers. The directors prioritize filling classes over students' educational needs, admitting in a parent meeting that they accept all students to fill seats. They plan to become selective only based on gender, which the director calls "positive discrimination," revealing a lack of consistent policies.We were repeatedly told that the school wanted an active PTA. I couldn’t help but laugh when, at the start of the term, an invitation was sent out for parents to join what they now called the Parent Community Group. The director claimed they didn’t want any negative connotations from the previous PTA, hence the name change. But the truth is, they want you to feel included, as if you’re making a difference, when in reality, you have no say, can’t change anything.The level of education is shocking! Teachers are forced to work long hours for low pay and offer extra activities outside school hours just to earn more money. Class sizes are bursting at the seams, with up to 25 children per class. Is this a state school?Be cautious of the current Year 1 teacher. Despite frequent assurances that my child was doing well, the end-of-term report showed she was at the bottom of the class. When I requested a meeting, the teacher was rude and dishonest, and the situation was mishandled by the school. After my complaints, the teacher ignored me for the rest of the term. Meetings about my child's progress were either canceled or only happened after legal intervention. Don’t be fooled by this teacher’s pleasant demeanor.
The mix of parents at this school is baffling. One particular year group is run by a mafia of mums that have been there since the school opened- strictly no dads allowed in the class whatsapp chat and if they invite you to a birthday party- youll be asked if your husband is joining. how draconian.Eventually, I received an email from the school director putting me on probation.He made it clear that the issue wasn’t  my children,but with me. He suggested that I look for another school and get in line with the school’s values for the remainder of the term. I politely declined and withdrew my children from that toxic environment. How can I align myself with school values that revolve around money-grabbing and deceit? They are only interested in the money, your children won't be safe,the director is incompetent and should be fired ASAP. .Everyone in power at the academy is connected to Rafa in some way—family, friends, or close associates. It’s a deeply corrupt environment.

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
Inés Dotti

As a lifetime fan of Rafa Nadal, whom I considered a national hero and treasure, the true depiction of courage, bravery, resilience and perseverance, it is with a great deal of discomfort and affliction I write the following review.

Even though Rafa himself has no relation whatsoever with the management of the school it does carry his name, and as such, he should ensure certain standards are fulfilled. You can't just lend your name for a marketing induced money machine in this day and age without being upheld to some kind of responsibility.

Our daughter had attended the school for nearly two years. A series of playgrounds incidents happened (which is absolutely normal in schools) but nothing was said to us, on the contrary, we were lied to. Trying to confront the situation to establish trust again, find solutions and move on proved impossible since instead we received distorted versions playing down incidents in a manner worthy of an Oscar to best adapted screenplay. So we left, done and dusted.

It was simply the last drop to an accumulation of issues. Consideration, finding common grounds for the greater good and empathy towards all parties involved in school life are non-existent. We clearly got the message that anyone that raises concerns, questions the status quo or suggests improvements is a nuisance to be silenced or deemed as “too demanding.”

There have been multiple surveys done to parents in the past two years with horrendous results but still nothing ever changes. The facilities are amazing but just be aware primary students are considered third class and barely have any access to them because high school tennis players or hotel clients are prioritised over everybody else.

Seems like a school managed by an AI machine making all decisions based on an excel spreadsheet to increase ROI where only robotic muted sheep are welcomed. That appears to be the established modus operandi. Doesn’t quite align with the values and humble character of one of the greatest tennis players of all time does it?

So much potential, so poorly managed, genuinely a shame to witness.

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
Emmanuel Graëve

It looks amazing, the facilities are breathtaking and it’s the school of Rafa Nadal, how could you not be both thrilled and proud to have your kid enrolled in that school?
The values of the school are those of an adored and admired athlete, “Respect, nurture, integrity and synergy”. Oh my goodness, this seems to be a unique opportunity to provide your child with an amazing education!

Reality is your kids are not safe in that school. There is a large record of bullying and the Nadal family although aware of the situation will not do anything about it just for the sake of money ?. The school is marketed with the values of Rafael Nadal, but there is no such thing for the aforementioned reason. ROI (Return On investment) is absolutely the number 1 priority to the detriment of the school and above all the innocent souls of the children. Classes are beyond overcrowded for a private institution, why have 10/15 pupils when by law you can have 25, just like a public school? Classrooms are not big enough to fit them all, not to mention it is against the law to have 25 kids in classes under 50sq/m. Where is the integrity, nurturing respect when your kid is being bullied and the school management will not only not tell you anything but will lie to your face, distort and cover up incidents? When the bullies are not being sanctioned or getting proper consequences? We decided to pull our daughter from this unsafe and toxic environment. It is outrageous the name of of such a well respected athlete can be associated with this business (can’t even be defined as a school where safety should always be first).

For the safety, mental health and overall wellbeing of your children do not sign up your kids to RNIS.

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
andrea ceccolini

Tutto molto bello

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
Martin Luter

Jaki jest koszt zapisu dziecka na semestr?

Rafa Nadal International School - Manacor, Balearic Islands
Johan Koren

