Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia

Dirección: Av. del Regne de València, 14, 8, Ensanche, 46005 Valencia, España.
Teléfono: 670248793.
Página web: understandvalencia.com.
Especialidades: Academia de idiomas.
Otros datos de interés: Se identifica como mujer empresaria, Clases en línea, Servicios en el lugar, Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios unisex, Amigable con LGBTQ+, Espacio seguro para personas transgénero.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 155 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.9/5.

Ubicación de Understand Valencia language school

Understand Valencia language school Av. del Regne de València, 14, 8, Ensanche, 46005 Valencia, España

Horario de Understand Valencia language school

  • Lunes: 9:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m., 4–8 p.m.
  • Martes: 9:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m., 4–8 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 9:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m., 4–8 p.m.
  • Jueves: 9:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m., 4–8 p.m.
  • Viernes: 9 a.m.–2 p.m.
  • Sábado: Cerrado
  • Domingo: Cerrado

Understand Valencia Language School es una academia de idiomas ubicada en la hermosa ciudad de Valencia, España. La escuela está dirigida por una emprendedora mujer que ha creado un espacio seguro e inclusivo para todos, independientemente de su orientación sexual o identidad de género.

La escuela se encuentra en la Avenida del Regne de València, 14, 8, Ensanche, 46005 Valencia, España. Es fácilmente accesible en transporte público y cuenta con estacionamiento y sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas. Además, ofrece clases en línea para aquellos que prefieren aprender desde la comodidad de su hogar.

Understand Valencia Language School se especializa en la enseñanza de idiomas y ofrece una amplia gama de cursos para satisfacer las necesidades de todos sus estudiantes. Ya sea que estés aprendiendo un idioma por primera vez o buscando mejorar tus habilidades existentes, la escuela tiene un curso para ti.

La escuela ha recibido excelentes reseñas de sus estudiantes, con una calificación promedio de 4.9/5 en Google My Business. Los estudiantes han elogiado la calidad de la enseñanza, el ambiente inclusivo y la atención personalizada que reciben.

Características clave de Understand Valencia Language School:

  • Academia de idiomas con una amplia gama de cursos.
  • Dirección conveniente en el centro de Valencia.
  • Clases en línea disponibles.
  • Espacio inclusivo y seguro para todos.
  • Accesible para personas en silla de ruedas.
  • Estacionamiento y sanitarios accesibles.
  • Calificación promedio de 4.9/5 en Google My Business.

Opiniones de Understand Valencia language school

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
Kurt Wuerfele

From the perspective of an educator myself, this is a fantastic school with caring, knowledgeable, and helpful instructors who really are dedicated to your success when it comes to learning Spanish. I’m really enjoying not just the classes and the pace of learning, but the new friends I’ve met here too - people from all over the world. I can’t recommend these guys enough! ✨

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
Anna Scott

I just completed a four week introductory course in Spanish at Understand Valencia. I was initially concerned that I would not be able to keep up with a class but the format of the class was perfect - 2 1/2 hours a day, four days a week. We all had strengths and weaknesses, but the instructor helped us all to keep up. I learned a ton and I had a lot of fun doing so! I also got some great suggestions for things to do in Valencia. My instructor Louise was fantastic - she was patient and quick to use humour to help us along! I would highly recommend Spanish classes at Understand Valencia.

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
amal zaoui

I spent 7 months studying spanish from the start at Understand Valencia and I had a wonderful experience. The teachers are very nice and passionate about teaching. The school has a real family vibe and I was able to make great friends. The administration team is also great, flexible and always available. I recommand Understand Valencia 100%.

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
Alice McGowan

I am having a great time improving my Spanish at Understand Valencia. The teachers and school staff are all very encouraging, patient and enthusiastic.

I previously learnt Spanish at university, but I didn’t have the chance to practice so lost a lot of my knowledge and confidence. I now attend 10 hours of class a week (4 x 2.5hr classes) and my Spanish is improving every day!

Begoña and Gerardo have been amazing teachers. Begoña is compassionate, fair and knowledgeable. She makes me feel confident and when I make a mistake she is kind and clearly explains how I can improve. Gerardo is really enthusiastic and makes class fun. He elaborates on topics based on the interests of the students.

Estela and Raquel are both super friendly and helped me find the perfect class level to start with (this was a bit tricky as I had learnt Spanish before, but they made it super simple for me). They always have time for the students and ensure everyone feels welcome.

The school has a very friendly atmosphere and the books we use are a great resource. The first lesson felt really overwhelming, but once I got into the content I found myself feeling more comfortable and confident to practice my new words and sentence structures.

An added bonus - everyone I have come across in the local Valencian community has been patient and encouraging, so it really is a wonderful environment to learn Spanish!

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
Amelie Tressel

I have been taking intensive spanish classes at Understand Valencia for around 4 months and I cannot recommend this school enough!! The teachers and staff here are incredible. I had both Paco and Julia and they were both so understanding and professional, always ensuring that each student understood the concepts being taught. The classes are always relatively small which creates a lovely group dynamic and makes everyone feel comfortable to practice their spanish. I learnt so much in my time here and I have tried a few schools in Valencia and nothing has ever compared to this one! Thank you so much for making learning spanish such an enjoyable experience!

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
Romain Declerck

I have been taking intensive Spanish classes for almost 3 months now. The experience in this school has been nothing but perfect.

I went from A1 to finishing A2 in that time, in a class of 4 to 8 people at most (but mostly we were around 6) so perfect number to speak and learn.

I had a few teachers in this time, all excellent with dynamism, patience, pedagogy and real interest to see you improve. The grand majority of classes I had were with Andrea and it has been a real pleasure going each day.

I also enjoyed the easy contact with the school through WhatsApp as well as directly. Helpful and nice people all around!

Prices are extremely competitive as well, I don't think there is a better deal in Valencia.

Finally I have met fascinating people there from lots of countries, understanding Spanish culture together has been fun!

For all these reasons I can only recommend and thank Understand Valencia.

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
Frederico Giunchetti

I and my wife had the opportunity to have private online Spanish classes with Understand Valencia for almost 1,5 year. It was a great experience. They delivered all that was agreed and the teachers were amazing. We definitely recommend it.

Understand Valencia language school - Valencia, Valencia
Tamara Romero

Es una buena academia! Sobre todo si quieres preparar tu examen! Jousepe es un profesor genial!
